bp logo

email: graphics@brucephilpott.com


freelance home

print media:

print portfolio link
logo design link
merchandising link
web design:
web portfolio link
animation link
interactivity link
your images link
photography link
artwork link


Welcome to the original part of my web site!

I'm no longer doing freelance graphics or freelance photography, but when I did, I used this site to display the various services I offered to small businesses and individuals.

My clients included Delta Machinery, Empire Manufacturing, Santa Rosa Junior College, Paperbacks Unlimited, and the CB Tool Group.

If you're a fellow graphics person, you may be interested in some of the pages in the navigation bar at the left. Web developers may be interested in looking at the JavaScript (View>source) I use to keep my copyright notice (below) up to date. I use this technique on a much larger web site at work, saving work at each year's end.