web site can be more interactive with the visitor than the most
interesting brouchure or catalog. See how a visitor can manipulate
an image at the bottom of the Photography
page. (And how easy it is to jump back to this
site will intereact more in the way you would answer questions in
person with your visitor.
site's interactivity is what brought you to this page. By rolling
your cursor over the navigation options at the left, you were able
to choose this page from among the others.
are offered links to relevant sites. You can enlarge some of the
images. You can go back to other pages you've visited to answer
a question you might otherwise leave un-asked.
technology will enable those with newer browsers and an SVG plug-in
to view graphics more clearly. Here, interact with this page!
Click the blue button below and take a look at an original Scalable
Vector Graphic (SVG):
image will take a few moments to load on your screen)
an appointment to have
your web site designed!